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What Is The Most Effective Security In Mobile Apps? Are Mobile Apps Secure?
Are Mobile Apps Secure: Cybercriminals have never been more attentive to mobile channels than they are today. With 230 million active smartphones in Brazil, according to a survey carried out by Fundação Getúlio Vargas, the use of cell phones for financial transaction services is increasingly frequent: analysts estimate that more than 2 billion people in the world carry out banking services with your digital devices.
On the other hand, consumers are transacting large amounts through apps and, in 2018 alone, spent more than $100 billion on downloads, in-app purchases, and subscriptions. Unfortunately, criminals always go where the money is, so they’re increasingly paying attention to mobile channels.
Also, in 2018, malware attacks on mobile devices and theft of digital accounts practically doubled. Many consumers believe that all apps they download are safe. It is not valid for apps downloaded from third-party stores or for “official” apps available on the App Store or Google Play.
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Are Mobile Apps Secure
Assuming that all available apps are secure can lead consumers, usually security conscious, to let their guard down and compromise their devices. When companies’ apps are vulnerable, and consumers’ personal information will compromise due to weak security, the consequences can be devastating,
with consumers falling victim to identity theft and other forms of fraud. In contrast, companies have their reputation and brand damaged. In addition to suffering regulatory retaliation. The good news is that these incidents can avoid entirely by implementing mobile application security technologies and adopting best practices.
How To Strengthen Our Mobile App Security
Fortunately, companies can take simple steps to reduce the risk of fraud, malware, account theft, and other attacks common to mobile devices. To do this, integrate security into design requirements, provide developers training and secure code resources, perform frequent security testing throughout the development lifecycle, and periodically conduct penetration testing.
But nowadays, these methods are insufficient with the outbreak of mobile device attacks. Therefore, companies and mobile app developers should start enforcing client-side security measures such as app shielding technologies, which are technologies built into the code of apps to protect apps from malicious activity and prevent sensitive information from getting into their hands.
Of cybercriminals. In addition to shielding, companies must natively integrate multi-factor authentication into apps. This authentication includes features such as facial recognition, voice recognition, fingerprint readers (native to devices), and even behavioral biometrics, which will increasingly use in banking apps and other industries. Importantly, we must apply these authentication technologies in stages to avoid adversely affecting the customer experience.
Don’t Put Mobile App Security In The Background
Many organizations trust that Android and iOS operating systems will be sufficient to protect them. However, none of these operating systems will always be 100% secure. Therefore, we must take other measures to ensure the security of applications.
Some companies have not yet allocated a specific budget to protect their applications; moreover, developers sometimes view security as another barrier to break when it comes to the demand for more features and faster time to market. But when done right, more effective mobile app security can be a business benefit, driving revenue growth and customer retention and protecting against potential threats.
Without adequate security, there are some features and services that companies cannot offer to their customers over the mobile channel as they are considered too risky, and the potential for fraud to occur is too high. By securing the mobile app and ensuring it can defend against vulnerabilities and targeted attacks, companies can be confident to open up new services and offerings across mobile channels, thereby creating new revenue streams.
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